
First KDE-Edu Meeting in Paris on the 1st& 2nd December 2007

Posted in KDE, Event, English, Mandriva at 12:40 pm by Vanessa

First KDE-Edu Meeting hosted by Mandriva, Paris

The first KDE-Edu meeting, on the 1st& 2nd December 2007, aimed at polishing educational applications for the KDE 4.0 release and to start planning KDE 4.1. Debugging, testing, exchanging ideas, shaping libraries, getting to know everyone was the main focus of the meeting.

14 Participants:

Anne-Marie Mahfouf (France) : Organiser of KDE-Edu project

Jeremy Whiting (USA) : KAnagram, KNewStuff (in kdelibs), KVTML2 with Frederik

Albert Astal Cid (Spain) : KGeography and Blinken

Frederik Gladhorn (Germany) : KVocTrain which has changed its name to Parley

Carsten Niehaus (Germany) : Kalzium

Aleix Pol (Spain): KAlgebra

Benoît Jacob (France): Eigen, use in KDE-Edu and KDE program, Kalzium

Johannes Simon (Germany) : Parley

Mauricio Piacentini (Brazil) : KTurtle

Vladimir Kuznetsov and Olena Kuznetsova (Russia) : Step

Jure Repinc (Slovenia) : Tanslation. Testing, bugs

Patrick Spendrin (Germany) : KDE-Edu on Windows

Peter Murdoch (Wales) : KPercentage





KDE-Edu était à Paris dans les locaux de Mandriva pour la préparation de KDE 4.1
Les développeurs de KDE-Edu se réunissaient pour la première fois les 1er et 2 Décembre 2007 dans les locaux de Mandriva à Paris. L’objectif principal de cette rencontre était la finalisation des logiciels pour la sortie de KDE 4.0 et la préparation de KDE 4.1.Cette réunion a rassemblé 14 personnes dont 2 Français, un Américain, un Brésilien, des Allemands, des Russes, des Espagnols, un Slovène et un Écossais. Elle a permis aux développeurs des logiciels éducatifs de KDE de renforcer l’esprit d’équipe.

Le projet KDE-Edu a été fondé en 2001 avec l’idée de rassembler les logiciels existants dans un module KDE pour les intégrer complètement à KDE. Le module kdeedu est sorti pour la première fois avec KDE 3.0 en avril 2002.

La réunion a permis de corriger de nombreux bugs pour la sortie de KDE-Edu dans KDE 4. Les développeurs ont aussi étudié l’utilisation des bibliothèques communes comme Eigen2, une bibliothèque de mathématiques. Son développeur a étudié avec les personnes intéressées les besoins non couverts actuellement par cette bibliothèque.

Divers sous-groupes se sont formés au cours du week-end afin de définir le travail des prochains mois. Les logiciels KDE-Edu sur la plate-forme Windows ont également été présentés. Une telle réunion redonne une nouvelle motivation aux développeurs et permet un travail intensif pendant deux jours.








Ars Technica looks at Intel classmate PC running Mandriva

Posted in KDE, Mandriva Linux 2007, Event, Products, Mandriva at 9:50 am by Adam

Great to see that Ars Technica took time out at aKademy 2007 to look at the classmate PC running Mandriva Linux. Helio Castro, who was involved in the effort to port Mandriva to the classmate PC, did a demo for them, and they came away suitably impressed. Read the whole article here.


Mandriva adds a semantic layer to the KDE 4 desktop

Posted in KDE, Mandriva at 3:45 am by Adam

We’ve just sent out a press release highlighting Mandriva’s leading contribution to NEPOMUK, which is being integrated into KDE 4. NEPOMUK is officially described as a ’semantic desktop technology’. What this means for KDE 4 is really a desktop-wide metadata layer: you can add metadata, like a description and a rating, to any object (objects can be files, of course, but also many other things), and the whole desktop is able to take advantage of it in whichever way is most appropriate for what you’re doing at the time. It’s a great technology and we’re happy to be playing a leading role in developing it. There’s more information in the press release. There’s also a video you can take a look at, which demonstrates NEPOMUK’s integration with Dolphin, the new file manager in KDE 4.


KDE developers receive Mandriva Flash Linux keys at aKademy 2007

Posted in KDE, Event, English, Mandriva at 8:27 am by Adam

We’re very happy to announce today that we will be sponsoring aKademy 2007, the KDE developers’ and users’ conference. As well as sponsoring the event, we’ll be giving out special edition Mandriva Flashes to the leading developers attending the conference, featuring 2007 Spring with KDE 3.5.7. Helio, from our KDE team, will be giving a presentation, and other Mandriva staff will be on hand to take part in the discussions and workshops. We’re looking forward to it, and we hope to see some of you there! There’s a full write-up in the press release.


KDE4 commit champion: Laurent Montel

Posted in Award, KDE, Products, English, Mandriva at 4:37 pm by Vanessa

Laurent Montel celebrates today his 6th year as a Mandriva employee and is a veteran KDE developer and contributer (8 years already!). For the past few months, Laurent has been contributing to the development of KDE 4 (and KDE 3.5 in Cooker) from our offices in Paris, while Helio Chissini de Castro, located in Curitiba, has handled most of the integration of KDE 3.5 for Kiosk. Laurent is also very involved in KOffice maintenance and development.

Laurent Montel

Last week, Laurent won the 2006 aKademy Jury Award. He is the KDE4 Commit Champion!

Congratulations Laurent! We’re proud of you, your commiting stands out as an example of our commitment.

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