
KDE4 commit champion: Laurent Montel

Posted in Award, KDE, Products, English, Mandriva at 4:37 pm by Vanessa

Laurent Montel celebrates today his 6th year as a Mandriva employee and is a veteran KDE developer and contributer (8 years already!). For the past few months, Laurent has been contributing to the development of KDE 4 (and KDE 3.5 in Cooker) from our offices in Paris, while Helio Chissini de Castro, located in Curitiba, has handled most of the integration of KDE 3.5 for Kiosk. Laurent is also very involved in KOffice maintenance and development.

Laurent Montel

Last week, Laurent won the 2006 aKademy Jury Award. He is the KDE4 Commit Champion!

Congratulations Laurent! We’re proud of you, your commiting stands out as an example of our commitment.

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