
Mandriva at LinuxWorld San Francisco

Posted in Event, English, Mandriva at 8:42 am by Adam

Just a quick post to let everyone know that Mandriva will be at the upcoming LinuxWorld conference at San Francisco’s Moscone Center. The conference runs August 6th to August 9th, and Mandriva’s Walt Pennington and Adam Williamson will be there from August 7th to August 9th. We will have a section of Intel’s Mobility Showcase display dedicated to Mandriva, and will be showing off the Intel classmate PC running Mandriva Linux, the Mandriva Flash USB key, and probably some other fun stuff too. If you’re going to the conference, please do drop by to say hi, check out our exhibits, or just bug us with requests to make your sound card work! We’d love to meet you all. If you live nearby but you weren’t planning to go, you might be interested to know that ‘Exhibits Only’ registration, which gives you access to the exhibition hall (where we’ll be) plus the keynote presentations, feature presentations and BOF sessions is free in advance - register here. It’s $50 onsite, so registering in advance is worth it.


Mandriva aux Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre 2007

Posted in Event, Français, Mandriva at 5:08 pm by Vanessa

La communauté du logiciel libre s’est une nouvelle fois rassemblée dans la ville d’Amiens du 10 au 14 juillet 2007 au sein de l’Université de Picardie, Jules Verne.

Lieu privilégié d’échanges, les RMLL sont le rendez-vous mondial des développeurs et des acteurs importants du Logiciel Libre. Plus de cinquante nationalités y sont représentées chaque année. C’est pour les participants l’occasion de se rencontrer, présenter leurs travaux, partager leurs connaissances et échanger avec les utilisateurs.

Professionnels, institutionnels, passionnés, utilisateurs avertis ou simples curieux ont été invités à partager cinq journées de conférences, de débats, d’ateliers et de rencontres dans une atmosphère conviviale.


Présente au sein du village des associations, Mandriva a pu ainsi se présenter, initier les curieux de passage, mais aussi dialoguer et partager avec les utilisateurs, les contributeurs ou les traducteurs qui qui façonnent chaque jour le monde du logiciel libre.

Ce fut également l’occasion de faire connaître Edutice, solution clés en main dédiée à l’éducation. Elle répondra parfaitement aux besoins spécifiques des
collectivités : faciliter la gestion de l’informatique des écoles maternelles ou primaires et leurs structures d’accueil numérique.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site officiel des RMLL 2007


Mandriva sponsoring GUADEC 2007, handing out free Flashes

Posted in Event, Products, English, Mandriva at 9:51 pm by Adam

Mandriva recently completed its participation in the KDE aKademy 2007 conference, sponsoring the event, presenting various technologies, and providing Mandriva Flash keys to developers attending the conference. Today Mandriva announces a similar program for the GNOME conference, GUADEC 2007, which is taking place in Birmingham from July 15th to July 21st. Again, as well as sponsoring the conference, Mandriva is arranging to provide special edition Mandriva Flash USB keys to developers attending the conference as a token of appreciation for their work.

“The GUADEC organisation wanted to make a bold move and remove the use of paper for promotional materials as much as possible,” said Bastien Nocera, a member of the GUADEC 2007 organization committee. “Thanks to Mandriva, GUADEC sponsors have been able to offer videos, code and application demonstrations on the USB key,” he continued. “We hope to have set a standard in social responsibility by cutting detritus, and hope Mandriva and other conferences will continue this work in the future.”

GUADEC is the official annual meeting of the GNOME community, where GNOME developers and users come together for presentations, talks, and workshop sessions. Mandriva is proud to help in supporting this vital and significant event. Mandriva’s involvement in GUADEC will run beyond sponsorship: several Mandriva staff members will be present to improve communication between the Mandriva and GNOME communities and to continue to improve the integration of GNOME and Mandriva. Mandriva’s lead GNOME developer, Frederic Crozat, is also an active participant in the GNOME development community and will be at GUADEC to continue his work on various aspects of the GNOME project.

Mandriva Flash, the Linux key, is a complete Mandriva Linux desktop on a bootable USB key. Mandriva Flash is designed to allow the user to take their desktop and all their vital documents with them wherever they go. The Mandriva Flash provided to GUADEC participants will be a special edition based on Mandriva Linux 2007 Spring and including the very latest version of GNOME, 2.18.

“We are very proud to be in a position to support this important event and to give something back to the GNOME community,” said David Barth, Mandriva Vice-President of Engineering. “Our staff and contributors are looking forward both to spreading the word about Mandriva and being involved in important work on the future of GNOME.”


What’s coming in Mandriva Linux 2008

Posted in Products, English, Mandriva at 10:38 pm by Adam

Lots of activity on the Mandriva Linux 2008 release schedule has happened over the last few days. The release schedule, listing the expected dates for the snapshot, alpha, beta and RC releases is now available. You can find a guide to the most interesting planned new features for the release here. And finally, the full technical specifications - listing more minor and less user-facing changes too - have been finalized. The page will updated to monitor the progress of the Cooker developers on each area.


Ars Technica looks at Intel classmate PC running Mandriva

Posted in KDE, Mandriva Linux 2007, Event, Products, Mandriva at 9:50 am by Adam

Great to see that Ars Technica took time out at aKademy 2007 to look at the classmate PC running Mandriva Linux. Helio Castro, who was involved in the effort to port Mandriva to the classmate PC, did a demo for them, and they came away suitably impressed. Read the whole article here.

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