RC2 Sunna is out, “here comes the Sun”

Main changes from RC1 Mona are:
- Several bugs fixed in rpmdrake
- Text installation fixed
- Various fixes to Ia Ora themes
- arts patched to prevent some problems (apps dying on startup, arts being launched in non-KDE environments)
- various other bugfixes
As you’ve been faithfully doing for the past several weeks, RC2 Sunna is available in many different flavours. Grab one or many from the mirrors, check out the known issues, install it and help us hunt and squash bugs with Bugzilla.
Thank you to all testers for the help they’ve been giving. Long hours, short nights. Keep up the effort, we’re almost there now: Mandriva Linux 2007 is almost ready to roll. It’s already rocking
“Here comes the Sun” as they say.
Jure Repinc said,
September 17, 2006 at 10:09 pm
And don’t forget about translators who are helping to make Mandriva understandable to more people. And I agree, release of 2007 will absolutely rock. AIGLX and XGL out of the box, nice new artwork and this time all works great. Thanks to all for making it possible. Oh and by the way, don’t forget to digg and spread the news about Mandriva even more:
werner said,
September 17, 2006 at 11:50 pm
It dont work the serial mouse with the crossed wires.
There exists two kinds of serial mouse, pls fix them that they both work during the installation and definitively.
werner said,
September 18, 2006 at 12:05 am
And the driver for the Radeon 8500 card crashs steadily, no matter if used 2-d or 3-d. Pls test this and notify ATI that they correct that. Or adapt that like it did another distro, and what works perfectly:
Alias, you should put into your distro pkgtool.rpm so that one can install .tgz packages, too, and a small but good prog rpm-update very good to clean download repertoires from old versions (# rpm-update –clean –local-dir= …)
luddite said,
September 18, 2006 at 1:47 am
Burned 3-CD ISO & installed 2007 RC2 with no problems. Tried Gnome, Windowmaker, IceWM, Openoffice, firefox, konqueror [ & a few games
] etc. - all seem to work fine. So far so good - fingers crossed.
Can’t wait for 2007 final!
Anonymous said,
September 18, 2006 at 7:11 am
If Mandriva want users to help you to test your product, you should provide BitTorrnt for us to download more quickly, like Debian and Fedora. Http and Ftp are the poorest to download such a big operation system like Mandriva. Since Mandriva what its free product to spread the world, the best way to achieve this purposes is to use BitTorrent.
I understand that Mandriva provides no-free version to download visa BitTorrent. But the purposes of free version is to ask users to download, the more users, the better. Http and Ftp will negatively impact your servers\’ lives, damage your expensive and cause lots of troubles to normal users.
Therefore, Mandriva should provide official BitTorrent for users to download. Even though you do not provide BitTorrent, many users will create it after they successfully download a copy from your server. Actually, Mandriva has deliberately causes troubles for users.
Jure Repinc said,
September 18, 2006 at 8:30 am
werner, don’t forget to report these problems in the Bugzilla database:
This way they get the most attention and don’t get lost.
AdamW said,
September 18, 2006 at 10:13 am
We do provide torrents for final releases, which are always heavily in demand. Testing release don’t have anything like the same demand, and the FTP servers can cope perfectly well.
JimP said,
September 18, 2006 at 10:26 am
what Mandriva means is that its easier for USERS to d’l with torrent. You can pause / resume etc. Its a big download.
he’s not saying the servers cant cope, he’s saying the USERS cant cope.
you will get more poeple downlaoding with a torrent than having to tie up their connection for a 3 cd download all in one go via HTTP/FTP. and with a RC version, more users is better.
Alexandre Solleiro said,
September 18, 2006 at 10:27 am
@ Anonymous:
We do provide Torrents for final releases as Adam points out. And we do encourage you to share our Free versions (Mandriva One and Mandriva Linux Free). You can download our free and commercial versions just as easily from own download page here: https://mandriva.com/download
In what regards making Beta versions available through Torrents, it\’s an interesting idea. Thank you.
Tod-OS.com :: Te ponemos al dia » Mandriva Linux 2007 RC2 2.0 said,
September 18, 2006 at 2:17 pm
[…] Microsof lanza el programa Open Specification Promise | Mandriva Linux 2007 RC2 Ya est� disponible para su descarga y prueba Mandriva Linux 2007 Release Candidate 2‘Sunna’. Se han corregido diversos errores relativos a rpmdrake, el sistema de instalaci�n en modo texto, en los temas ‘Ia Ora’, se ha parcheado arts para evitar problemas en el arranque de diveras aplicaciones, �tc. Descarga: mandriva-free-2007-sunna-DVD.iso (4,394MB) […]
Jure Repinc said,
September 18, 2006 at 4:07 pm
I agree that it would be nice to have official torrents also for beta/RC versions. I also think it makes it easier to download then using FTP/HTTP mirrors. BTW there is a torrent for the dual architecture Installation DVD for RC2 available here:
Jean Sagi said,
September 18, 2006 at 4:17 pm
Some problems testing sunna ONE kde and gnome with an old machine.
3D still Does not work (tyr,mona,sunna)
Incredible slow (recent Knoppix do just fine)
ONE-gnome cant launch any program
It just may be my computer…
If everything works in final including 3d and pinit, 2007 will rock; if not… some hard work is expecting to me …
AdamW said,
September 18, 2006 at 5:48 pm
Jean: it’s really much easier to fix 3D support when we know what graphics card you have.
JimP: if you use the right client program you can also pause and resume FTP downloads (even HTTP ones, if the server is correctly configured).
:: Lingenieria :: Blog de los Usuarios Linux de la FI (UNAM). :: Mandriva One Linux 2007 RC2 :: September :: 2006 said,
September 18, 2006 at 6:06 pm
[…] Fuente :: Nota de Prensa, Release Notes. Descarga :: Mandriva-free-2007-sunna-DVD.iso (4.394MB) ó Mirrors de descarga. […]
barspi said,
September 18, 2006 at 9:21 pm
Can anyone summarize the whole spectrum of Mandriva products?
I’m already confused about what is free, what is not, what’s the Mandriva One, Mandriva Free, Mandriva DVD, Mandriva Community, Mandriva UltraSecretPayingCustomer, Mandriva Whadayahave
Not counting the different versions that are released early for club members and then for the rest of the world. Is this happening again with 2007?
It also looks like there are categories and subcategories of products, but I may be totally wrong.
It’s EXTREMELY confusing and I think it keeps many people away from this distro, or not getting the one that’s best for them
Jean Sagi said,
September 18, 2006 at 11:16 pm
I use a Geforce2 MX/MX 400 nvidia card.
I posted this problem in blogdrake.net forums, with a more detailed description of the problems and hardware I use, hoping for some help.
Thanks for you replay.
werner said,
September 18, 2006 at 11:43 pm
Yes, Mandrake is really slow, and worser even, the services which one switch on or off, dont go correctly away or come (normally have to run rawdevices, that this works better). And the ‘bombs’ dont go away with # ulimit -c 0 etc etc. Because of this, my office/server/allround-computer runs now under Slackware — and for I return to Mandrake, have to happen wonders. However, I’m staying observing and testing it.
Jean Sagi said,
September 21, 2006 at 4:27 pm
Well I have to say that with help blogdrake comunity I was able to get a nice XGL desktop. It happen to be a tiny bug with configuration of nvidia drivers.
If interested look in http://blogdrake.net/node/5167 (in Spanish) on how to resolve this problem in sunna.
If all goes relatively well, Mandriva 2007 will rock!