
Linux Journal 2008 Readers’ Choice survey begins

Posted in Web, Mandriva at 9:10 am by Adam

It’s that time of year again - Linux Journal’s annual Readers’ Choice survey has begun. This is one of the big ones, so let’s see some community spirit! You can take part in the survey here. Every vote counts - it really helps to raise Mandriva’s profile in the Linux world, so vote today.


Groklaw, Mandriva and Turbolinux

Posted in English, Mandriva at 11:43 am by François Bancilhon

Our recent announcement concerning the creation of a joint lab with Turbolinux has generated some controversy. Even PJ, from Groklaw, a site we like very much at Mandriva, showed some concerns and signaled her intention to stop using our Distro.

So I would like to clarify some points:

  1. Signing he Manbo Labs agreement does not change anything to our policy or our commitment to Free and Open Source software and our position with respect to software patent, nor does it change anything to the statement we made about Microsoft partnerships.
  2. Our position about software patents is that software should not be patented and we have supported in Europe the fight against software patents.
  3. Our support for principles of open source remains what we have always stated
    • everything we develop and distribute is under GPL
    • we develop, maintain and distribut